C-81, r. 1 - Regulation respecting the application of the Public Curator Act

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1.1. The medical assessment report necessary for the institution of tutorship to a person of full age must contain
(1)  the identification of the person of full age, namely, the person’s name, commonly used name, if any, date of birth, gender, health insurance number, address, e-mail address, if any, and telephone number;
(2)  the circumstances giving rise to the application for assessment, the applicant’s name and relationship to the person of full age;
(3)  the date of the examinations conducted by the assessor, the date of the initial meeting with the person of full age, the identification of each person consulted, namely, the person’s name, relationship to the person of full age, telephone number, date of consultation, and identification of the relevant documents consulted by the assessor and referred to in the report;
(4)  the diagnosis regarding the incapacity of the person of full age, the date thereof and the severity of the symptoms;
(5)  the relevant medical history of the person of full age, the relevant physical examination, intellectual and cognitive functions tests, the assessment of decision-making faculties with respect to the protection of his or her person and the administration of property, the relevant paraclinical examination and the risk assessment indicating the impact of the diagnosis respecting the inability to care of himself or herself or administer property;
(6)  the wishes and preferences of the person of full age concerning the application for the institution of tutorship, if any;
(7)  the opinion of the assessor regarding the nature of the incapacity of the person of full age;
(8)  the time limit recommended for the medical reassessment and the reasons in support thereof; and
(9)  the identification of the assessor, namely, the assessor’s name, professional permit number, professional address, e-mail address and telephone number.
The report must be made on the form provided on the website of the Public Curator and signed and dated by the assessor.
O.C. 241-2022, s. 1.